The EMBO Meeting

The EMBO Meeting 2013





Tuesday, 20 Jun 2017

A1 Presentation skills: how to capture your audience

Saturday, 21 September, 10:00-17:00 (break 12:00-14:30), room G104

The goal of this workshop is to develop an ability to create and deliver successful presentations with confidence.

In this hands on, practice driven workshop, a two-trainer team, a scientist/free-lance trainer and a theater director, will teach you the essential elements of scientific presentations. You will learn how to design clear and effective scientific presentations and how to use your voice and body language to capture your audience and enhance your confidence.

Please prepare a 2-minute poster presentation to use as practice material during the workshop.

Jon Copley, Lecturer in Marine Ecology at the University of Southampton, free-lance science writer & trainer with SciConnect, UK & Alfons Duczek, free-lance theatre educator, DE

Register now to attend this workshop

Why participate?

- “great format, fun and [I] learned a lot”
- “the trainers kept audience completely engaged. I never got board. I learned new things about presentations skills. Overall, I found it very useful.”

100% of last year’s participants would recommend this session to colleagues.

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