EMBO travel grants are available! Please indicate that you would like to apply for one when submitting your abstract.
- Available to PhD students and postdoctoral researchers of ANY nationality with less than 10 years postdoctoral experience.
- Applicants must submit an abstract by the abstract submission deadline of 12 June 2013 (14:00 CEST) and be first author on the submitted abstract.
- Applicants must indicate at abstract submission that they want to be considered for a travel grant.
- Selection of travel grant winners is based on quality of the submitted abstract and undertaken by the abstract selection committee.
- Winners will be reimbursed the conference registration fee and receive a travel stipend of €250 for participants who work/ study in the Netherlands (excluding Amsterdam; Utrecht; Leiden area); €350 for participants who work/ study in Europe; €500 for participants who work/ study outside of Europe AFTER attending the conference. Winners who work/ study in the Amsterdam, Utrecht, Leiden area will ONLY be reimbursed the conference registration fee also AFTER attending the conference.
Other travel grants:
A*STAR; NTU; NUS - travel grants for scientists based in Singapore
SIBBM - travel grants for postdocs and PhD students from SIBBM member labs
BSCDB - two travel grants worth €500 each for BSCDB members funded by BSCDB + registration fee waiver funded by EMBO. The deadline is: 31 July 2013. Applicants should send their application to the BSCDB secretary:
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NSC and Academia Sinica - travel grants for scientists working in Taiwanese universities and research institutes. The application process for this is handled by EMBO according to the guidelines for the EMBO travel grants.